Research seminar (2024)
Copied from: Public/Research Seminar 2023
This is a weekly meeting where all members attend and discuss the research in the laboratory.
- 日時 (Time slot):
- 1Q: 08:50~ (Fri.)
- 発表要領 (Presentation format):
- (ひとりあたり)発表15 ~ 20分 および 議論10 ~ 15分,合計30分を目安にしてください.
- 15 - 20 min for a presentation and 10 - 15 min for discussion, total 30 min.
- Tipsの発表は5分程度(長くても質疑含めて15分くらい)が望ましいです
- 5 mins for Tips presentation, upto 15 mins including discussion.
- 言語 (Language used for presentation):
- トークとスライドのうち,少なくともどちらか一方は英語で用意してください.
学部生は例外的に,本人が希望すれば,トークとスライドの両方を日本語にすることができます. - Please prepare, between talk and slide, at least one of them must be English.
Undergraduate students are exceptional: both talk and slide can be Japanese if they prefer it.
- トークとスライドのうち,少なくともどちらか一方は英語で用意してください.
- 座長 (Chair)
- B/Mの学生は持ち回りで座長を担当します.座長の仕事を参考にして,円滑に議論が進むように心がけてください.
- B/M students are assigned as a chair of the seminar. Please contribute to active discussion refering to Chair’s Job.
2023-04/08(Mon) 17:15-18:55
self introduction
edit->Attach Filesを用いてslideをUPして下さい。 - Research student
- Jonathan Manz [self_introduction_jonathan_manz.pdf (2.8 MB)](
- M1
Hinari ShimadaSelf_Introduction_Shimada.pdf (1.8 MB)
Taihei Shiotani Shiotani_self_introduction.pdf (1.5 MB)
David Pohl self_introduction_david_pohl.pdf (103.6 kB)
- B4
Koshiro Saito self-introduction_koshiro_saito.pdf (4.3 MB)
Yukinari Takahashi self introduction Yukinari Takahashi.pptx (4.5 MB)
2023-04/15(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- Self-introduction: Yukinari Takahashi
- kickoff
- okazaki: Okazaki Laboratory Kick-off 2024 (4.8 MB)
- chair
2024-04/22(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- seminar
- sangwhan
- yang
- tips
- hattori
- chair
2024-05/13(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- seminar
- ma
- erick
- tips
- koyama
- chair
- shiotani
2024-05/20(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- shiotani
- seminar
- vijay
- yoshikawa
- tips
- hida
- chair
- maruyama
2024-05/27(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- maruyama
- seminar
- cognetta
- koyama
- tips
- koike
- chair
- saito
2024-06/03(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- saito
- seminar
- wang
- hida
- tips
- ma
- chair
- maruyama
2024-06/10(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- maruyama
- seminar
- koike
- maeda
- tips
- sangwhan
- chair
- hattori
2024-06/17(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- hattori
- seminar
- maruyama
- endo
- tips
- yang
- chair
- mizuki-kentaro
2024-06/24(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- mizuki-kentaro
- seminar
- hattori
- panatchakorn
- tips
- vijay
- chair
- shiotani
2024-07/01(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- shiotani
- seminar
- mizuki-kentaro
- shimada
- tips
- erick
- chair
- saito
2024-07/08(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- saito
- seminar
- shiotani
- david
- tips
- yoshikawa
- chair
- takahashi
2024-07/22(Mon) 17:15-18:55
- takahashi
- seminar
- saito
- takahashi
- tips
- cognetta
- chair
- hattori
Past Seminars
- hattori